{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "CountyGry", "guid": "1B30E68A-54C7-4E10-95AF-BA98A7D91D6E", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "General basemap for use with county applications", "description": "Includes data from Washington County, Metro, Oregon and Washington to create a basemap that doesn't end at the county line. It is using data in WGS Web Mercator (auxileary sphere)", "summary": "General basemap for use with county applications", "title": "Washington County Basemap - new", "tags": [ "Basemap", "Washington County" ], "type": "Map Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Map Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "url": "", "extent": [ [ -179.999990594736, 28.657870786403 ], [ 179.999990513887, 46.388627118451 ] ], "spatialReference": "WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere", "accessInformation": "Washington County, Oregon; Oregon Metro; State of Oregon", "licenseInfo": "" }