SDL Lights (1)
| Option Unknown |
| Option A |
| Option B |
| Out of Service |
| Proposed Option A |
| No symbol defined |
Old SDL lights (2)
Road Fund Lights (3)
| Energized, A - PGE owned and maintained |
| Energized, B - Washington County owned and PGE maintained |
| Energized, C - Washington County owned and maintained |
| Energized, Sched. 32 - Washington County owned and maintained - Schedule 32 |
| Energized, IGA - Forest Grove Light & Power owned and Washington county maintained |
| Energized, N/A |
| Pending, B |
| Pending C |
| Proposed, Sched. 32 |
| Proposed, N/A |
| Unknown |
Lights Billed by PGE (4)
| SDL Option A |
| SDL Option B |
| SDL Option C |
| Road Fund Option A |
| Road Fund Option B |
| Road Fund Option C |
SDL Assessment Areas (6)
Assessment Areas No Longer Part of SDL (7)